Alexa de Castilho

Helping Women Achieve Hormonal Balance and Manage Menopause Naturally

Finding the root cause of symptoms. Menopause is the gift, as the veil of oestrogen comes off we see beneath, triggers, emotions, physical symptoms all the manifestations of unhealed trauma that is now being asked to be seen.

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Alexa is a compassionate inquiry and energy alchemy practitioner, she partners with her clients to navigate their inner world. Embracing a scientific understanding of the mind-body connection, she embarks on a journey of personal exploration and transformation. Together, with her clients they delve into neural pathway reprogramming, finding the root cause of symptoms, with somatic and energetic practices.

By fostering an environment of curiosity, compassion, and self-discovery, she facilitates a process that honours the essence of each individual's journey towards wholeness. Harnessing the transformative power of curiosity, compassion, understanding possibility, and believing in the innate wisdom of their body to guide individuals towards a state of deep integration and alignment with their true selves.

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